Did you know that you can easily transfer Wix to WordPress? Transferring your Wix website to a new WordPress installation is actually simpler than you might assume. You could copy and paste your Wix site page by page to the new WordPress deployment, however, there is a much easier way. You can download a plug-in from WordPress.org that does all the heavy lifting for you. Though you will still need to perform some cleanup tasks to tidy up your migrated site, the plug-in is amazingly efficient.
Before you begin the migration process, make sure that you have secured your new web hosting plan and domain name. You can transfer your domain from Wix to your new web host, or you can migrate your Wix site to a new domain that is running the WordPress app. Regardless of how you deal with your domain name, you will need to have a web hosting plan that enables you to deploy open source packages like WordPress ready and waiting for the conversion.
Install WordPress
Once you have obtained your new web space, log into your CPanel dashboard. Scroll to the “Software/Services” section, and then click the icon for the software installer to launch the application. The software installer icon may be labeled Softaculous or Fantastico. A few web hosting companies use the QuickInstall installer.
When the software installer opens, scroll through the available software packages in the left sidebar until you locate the WordPress option. Click the “WordPress” link to open the WordPress Overview page. Click the “Install” option to install WordPress. On the following page, you will configure the domain, directory, administrator username and password and other details for the site. Be sure the change the “Site Name” and “Site Description” fields to the name and description of your Wix site.
Finish the installation, and then click the administrator’s link in the Installation Confirmation page. Log in to the administration backend with the admin username and password you assigned when you installed the WordPress software. Now, you are ready to install the tool that will automatically transfer Wix to WordPress for you.
The CMS2CMS Plugin
The CMS2CMS Migrator WordPress plugin is the tool that you will use to convert your existing Wix site to WordPress. Download the plugin from the CMS2CMS Plugin page on WordPress.org. http://wordpress.org/plugins/cms2cms-wix-to-wp-migrator/
Unzip the downloaded zip file and save the enclosed file on your hard drive. In the WordPress admin dashboard, click the “Plugins” option in the left sidebar. Click the “Upload” button, navigate to the downloaded CMS2CMS plugin file and upload the plugin to WordPress. Locate the CMS2CMS plugin in the plugin list, once uploaded, and then click “Activate” to make the plugin active. When you activate the plugin, the Migration Wizard opens to assist you with your migration.
Complete the required information on the Migration Wizard form. You will need to enter the URL of your Wix site. You will also be required to submit payment. Migrations start at $9. Once you have completed the form, click the “Submit” button. Your Wix site is migrated to your WordPress location within 10 minutes. If your Wix site is small, you can use the Demo version of CMS2CMS for free, however, even transferring a large Wix site will usually cost under $10. Considering the alternative of cutting and pasting all of your content from Wix to WordPress pages, it is a small price to pay for getting all of your content moved in just a few minutes.
Finish the Transfer
To finish the migration, install a theme to your WordPress site, and then design the site to your liking. Remember to choose a responsive theme to ensure that your WordPress site will display properly on all devices. Responsive themes alter the appearance of the site based on the screen size of the device on which it is viewed. You can find hundreds of free responsive themes at WordPress.org. You can search WordPress.org for themes from the Themes section in the admin dashboard of your WordPress site, or open the WordPress.org site in a browser, and download the theme to your hard drive. The theme installs just like plugins do, only from the Themes page.
If any content failed to make the migration, replicate it by copying and pasting from Wix to WordPress. Tidy up and loose ends and test each page to make sure all of your content has been successfully transferred. You can now install additional WordPress plugins and widgets to extend the functionality of your new site.